A picture from the stained glass room from St. John's. It depicts many saints.

Supporting your Parish

Dear Parishioners,

We hope and pray that you are staying healthy – both physically and spiritually during this time of uncertainty. Our pastoral team is here to serve you always but especially in times like this. Please let us know if there is anything you need. Email is the best form of communication to use to contact us.

As well, we need you at this time, more than ever. No doubt you are aware that our parish relies on the support of our parishioners to operate – parish salaries, programs and ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc.) – are funded through the generosity of our parish community. It will be a challenge for our parish to maintain operations without the weekly offertory collection.

Many of you have already contacted the parish asking how you can help. We are very grateful for this. Here are the ways that you can continue to support our parish at this time:

  • Sign up for pre-authorized giving. This is beneficial for the parish in that it ensures that when you are away on vacation or simply are in a hurry to get to church before the bell rings, that your offering is consistent.  To learn more about the benefits of pre-authorized giving and/or to sign up, click on this link: Pre-Authorized Giving Form.
  • You can donate by credit card, click here and follow the steps. Make sure you select St. John Chrysostom Church in the parish field.
  • You can drop your envelope/donation in the white box at the end of any Sunday Mass/Communion Service or at the Rectory Mailbox.
  • You can contribute to the offertory via online banking. To do this, the Archdiocese will need to send you a unique account number. Please send an e-mail to campaign@archtoronto.org. In the body of the email provide:

Your name


Parish name


You will be emailed account information which you can use to set up the Archdiocese of Toronto as a payee in your on-line banking. Your gift will be forwarded to St. John's Parish. You can make a one time or recurring gift to our offertory. If you have any questions please contact the Development Office at the Archdiocese of Toronto, 416-934-3400, ext. 540 or development@archtoronto.org

Thank you for your many contributions to our parish community. We miss being able see you at Mass and in the many different groups and activities that usually occur. We continue to pray for an end to this pandemic, for those suffering its devastating effects, for those who work tirelessly to serve at this time and for our broken world. We live in hope that soon we will return to normal and begin to pray together again.


Yours in Christ,


Fr. Landorff J. Garcia Mariona

If you have any questions contact us
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